Ireland travel guide

Ireland's Hidden Gems is an independent Ireland travel website written by Irish travel writer, photographer and adventurer Susan Byron, a native of Dublin, now living on the West Coast of Ireland in County Clare. It is designed to highlight only the very best of what Ireland has to offer the independent traveller or curious web browser and is about quality not quantity. Which is why my recommendations are limited to the Top 10 in each category, rather than a generic list of multiple hit or miss choices. These recommendations are based on 16 years of extensive, personal research and a lifetime's experience as a proud citizen of Ireland....

Susan Byron, Derryclare Lough, ConnemaraSusan Byron, Derryclare Lough, Connemara

Ireland Travel Gems

The Hidden Gems are those little known, extra special places or things to do and see around Ireland that  you won't find in any of the regular guidebooks. For example, did you know that nearby the Cliffs of Moher there is an ancient holy well named after St Brigid who was a Celtic Goddess long before she was known as a Christian Saint ! A golden beach at Fanore derived from the Irish 'Fáinne an Óir' which means Ring of Gold, boat trips to the Aran Islands not to mention some of the best surfing and traditional music in the West of Ireland....

Guided Tours of Ireland & Scotland

I have been conducting luxury guided Tours of Ireland's Hidden Gems for small groups now since 2017 with many happy clients and lots of referral business (see reviews) These tours have gone from strength to strength and apart from 2020 when we couldn't travel, they have gained momentum with 3 Irish Tours per year now plus a new Pro Tour next year for previous clients. I have remained true to my original plan of personally guided, small group tours, that are gently paced with top quality, unique and authentically Irish lodgings with first class cultural experiences. My 2024 Tours of Ireland are booked out but you can register your interest in my 2025 Tours by filling out the form at the following link and avail of an early booking discount of €450 per person for all bookings made before the 31st of August 2024

I am now very proud to have added a similar experience in Scotland with a Guided Tour of Scotland's Hidden Gems each Fall (which is the best time to visit Scotland. And while I wouldn't class myself as a Scottish expert (just yet) I have been travelling back and forth to Scotland 3/4 times a year since my son and his family moved to Edinburgh in 2014 and have done a great deal  of research. I ran my first tour there in September 2022 and it was a great success, even if it did rain a fair bit on the second week, but thankfully it didn't spoil anyone's enjoyment of the trip and indeed only added to the atmosphere and as they say in Scotland "todays rain is tomorrows whiskey".

I will be running three Irish Tours and a  Scottish Tour in 2025 if you fancy joining me? Just click on either of the links above, fill out the form and I will send you the full itinerary, Slán agus beannacht, best Susan Byron

Get in Touch

Finally, if you would like regular updates on what is happening in Ireland travel wise, why not join me on Facebook where there is a fun conversation about Ireland happening globally, 24/7. Feel free to join in or contact by phone or email, as I am always delighted to hear from anybody with an interest in Ireland or Scotland. It might take me a day or two to get back to you but I always do answer every email or facebook message personally. 

Go n'eirí an t'ádh leat - Good luck and I hope to see you very soon in Ireland or Scotland ! Susan Byron

For more details re Susan Byron's exclusive Guided Tours of Ireland's Hidden Gems please click here or if you would like more information on the Scottish Tours please click here.

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